I come from a family of knitters which means that I learnt to knitt at a very young age! My mum and my grandmother have both made wonders with their knitting needles ;-) This meant that when my first son was born he already before birth had a number of beautifully knitted garments rady for him to keep him warm in the not so warm weather during the Norwegian winter! Same for my second child, my dearest Rebecca, who has yet again recieved more knitted clothes, and I have to say, nothing has been used more than these knitted pieces!
This form of knitting for your newborns is not special to my family, but a deep-rooted tradition in Norway! Wool is also important for its many and good qualities.
I make all the products myself and all my products are knitted in either 100% Merino Wool (Baby Wool) or 100% Alpakka Wool, both knitted in the best quality wool from Dale of Norway, world reknowned for producing quality yarn! I have also moved on to a knitting machine, and do most my knitting on this, although I always have my knitting needles within reach with a new project!
I hope you will enjoy what I make as much as I have enjoyed making it! :-)